Not receiving health-information/hip/request call after the hip/notify call from the gateway

Hey @rahulChugh,

Please help us with the patient id.

Thank You

Hi @Shubhanshu_Shukla,

Health id of the patient - riya@sbx

Hi @Shubhanshu_Shukla,

Is there any update on this ?

Hey @rahul,

This was resolved,
If it is still the case, try clearing the cache and login again.

Thank You

Hi @Shubhanshu_Shukla,

I’m not getting the consents/hip/notify call and on the app I’m getting “Could not fetch all records, Please try again in sometime” (Attached Screenshot for the same).

Can you please provide me the logs for the same when I click the “Get data” button!

Hi @rahulChugh,

This patient seems to have large number of care context which is exceeding the limit of logger to keep a track of the issue,
We would suggest you to use Patient with least Care context so that we can have help you to resolve this issue.
In case you don’t have such user, try to create one for such test cases ,it will be helpful.

This also happens when some of the HI Type is not incorporated.
Please Visit here in case you missed the update.

Thank You

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Hi @Shubhanshu_Shukla,

Thank you for the details.

I’ll make a new user and will try the same. Also, the HITypes addition doesn’t change anything as our system is not affected by any new HITypes and will work the same for the existing HITypes.

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I’ve made a new user with health id- chugh@sbx and linked a care-context with it. However, I’m facing the same issue of not getting the consents/hip/notify call on my system. Kindly help me resolve this problem and please share the logs for the same.

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Hey @rahulChugh,

Sharing logs with you if helps,

Thank You

I couldn’t get any relevant information from these logs. Can you share the logs for the health id - chugh@sbx and sunil@sbx ?

Hi Mr Shubhanshu Shukla: We haven’t made these calls you have highlighted, they appear to be from another user. Previously the POST call “/v0.5/consents/hip/notify” was working but it is not working now.

This problem has been there for quite some time now, could you please help us?

Hey @rahulChugh,

Provided log was for chugh@sbx only,
let me check for other user also and will let you know what can be helpful.

Thank You

Kindly look into it as we need to proceed with the certification process asap after this.

Hi @Shubhanshu_Shukla,

I’m now able to get the consents/hip/notify call after deleting the health ID “riya@sbx”. But still I’m not able to get the health-information/hip/request call.
I looked into it and found that currently I’m not able to make a new health ID with the same name “riya@sbx” and that might be because it is still there in NDHM system. Kindly delete all the data related to riya@sbx health ID so that I can make a new health ID with the same name.

Hello @rahulChugh

We deleted all the data related to “riya@sbx” health id. So that you can create a new health ID with the same name.

Thank You

Hi @Arvind_Tomar,

Kindly veify if you’ve deleted the data or not as I’m still not able to make a new one with the same health id.
Attached: Screenshot-21-09-2021-11:00AM

Hey @rahulChugh,

well due to identical ID there seems to be an issue ,
what is happening for your new Id that you created ie. chugh@sbx.

Thank You

Hi @Shubhanshu_Shukla,
As you said there is an exceeding limit, so I deleted the health ID.

After deleting it, I’m able to get the consents/hip/notify (it might not be received previously due to some cache or exceeding limit issue). But after this, I’m supposed to get the health-information/hip/request call which I’m not getting.
This might be due to the reason that the health ID I deleted is still there in the NDHM database. If that healthID and data associated with it will be deleted completely, then maybe I’ll be able to get the health-information/hip/request call.

Hey @rahulChugh,

Try Now for riya@sbx

Thank You

Hi @Shubhanshu_Shukla,

Still the same issue.